A collective is done by people and existing entities acting as a group.

In doing so, they share experiences, ideas, goals and memories.
Each one starts to move individually,
then the movement takes a unique shape.

The energy spread from one collective can become a strong power able
to change, transform projects and generate innovative ideas and theories.

The collective became more than a momentary experience when single members start unconsciously to think and act as the other members of the group even if they don’t cooperate actively. It then becomes a sort of special connection in which they start to experience the same thoughts, emotions and feelings.

The Micro Collective is a performative collective
By oLm (The Scoby), Sara, Lies, Gijs.
Are they reenacting everyday life? as in performing a reenactment?
Or as in imitating?
Or can we see them as a metaphor? Or as an example?

That might be the calling,
imitating each other and trying
to fit in or is the productivity
a result of repeating something enjoyable over and over and over and over.
or a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups.

I was listening to a podcast about abstract machines. The concept has a sense of collectivism that was interesting. The parts of a machine don’t question their role, they just do it. Maybe a role can be questioning that role?
I believe it was this one

Concepts are concrete assemblages,
like the configurations of a machine, but the plane is the abstract machine of which these assemblages are the working parts.
(p. 36 deleuze & Guatari)
Is their memory a collective memory?
our memory is
a collective memory now because of them…
we’re starting
a new memory
“The interbodily basis of collective memory is confirmed by the multifarious forms of ritualized and synchronized movements and performances, which contribute to building human culture”.